48″ Roll-Up Super Bright™ Reflective


48″ Super Bright™ Fluorescent Orange Vinyl Roll-Up Sign with Four (4) Lexan Corner Pockets and 5/16″ x 1/4″ fiberglass battens (ribs).


Meets MUTCD specifications.

Made in America

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48″ Roll-Up Super Bright™ Reflective

48″ x 48″ Roll-Up Signs – Super Bright™ Reflective Vinyl

Additional Pocket and Legend options are available. Custom Legends are also available.

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roll-up sign buying details

ORALITE® Super Bright Roll-Up Signs are flexible Roll-up sign blanks made from fabric reinforced microprismatic retroreflective sheeting. These sign blanks are suitable for fabrication of retroreflective roll-up construction, maintenance, and incident management signs that meet the requirements of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices(MUTCD).

Product Construction ORALITE®Super Bright Roll-Up Signs consist of a high gloss, transparent, uv-stabilized micro-prismatic retro-reflective layer bonded to a heavy-duty fiber-reinforced vinyl material. The Roll-Up sign provides high brightness and long-term color and fluorescence retention. This construction will not delaminate, provides outstanding durability, legibility, and long sign life.

Reflectivity ORALITE®Super Bright Roll-Up Signs shall have the minimum coefficient of retroreflection shown in Table 1when tested in accordance with ASTM E810, “Standard Test Method for Coefficient of Retroreflection of Retroreflective Sheeting Utilizing the Coplanar Geometry”.

Daytime Color ORALITE®Super Bright Roll-Up Signs conform to the daytime color requirements in Table 2whentested in accordance with ASTM D4956. ORALITE®Super Bright Roll-Up Signs are available in white,yellow, fluorescent orange and fluorescent pink.

Nighttime Color ORALITE®Super Bright Roll-Up Signs conform to the nighttime color requirements in Table 3when tested in accordance with ASTM D4956 and ASTM E811. The sheeting shall be measured using CIE illuminant A. an observation angle of 0.33°and an entrance angleof +5°

Flexibility ORALITE®Super Bright Roll-Up Signs meet the flexibility requirements of ASTM D4956, section 6.7and S2.2.2. They are sufficiently flexible such that through continuous use, setup and storage, the signs do not show any permanent creasing or delaminating. Solvent Resistance ORALITE® Super Bright Roll-Up signs will not dissolve, blister, or pucker when wiped with a soft cloth wet with kerosene, mineral spirits, turpentine, VM&P Naphtha, 5% HCL, NaOH,or methanol.

Specular Gloss ORALITE®Super Bright Roll-Up signs shall have an 85° specular gloss of not less than 40 when tested in accordance with ASTMD523. Impact Resistance Ambient Temperature: After conditioning a sample of sealed Roll-Up sign for 24 hours at 73° ± 3°F (23° ± 2°C)and 50% relative humidity, subject the sheeting to an impact of a 4 lb (1.82 kg) weight with a 5/8” (16 mm)rounded tip dropped from a 100 in-lb(11.3 N-m) setting on a Gardner variable impact tester, IG-1120, as per ASTM D4956, section S2.2.1. The sheeting shall show no cracking or delamination outside the actual area of impact.

Weathera bility ORALITE®Super Bright Roll-Up Signs meet the requirements of ASTM D4956, Section 6.4. The material is weather resistant and shows no appreciable cracking, scaling, pitting, blistering, edge lifting, or curling, or more than 1/32”(0.8 mm) shrinkage or expansion.

Retroreflectivity measurements are conducted after outdoor weathering with an observation angle of 0.20º and entrance angles of -4º and +30º.The minimum coefficient of retroreflection (RA)after weathering is 50% of the values specified in Table 1.Enhanced Surface

Preparation ORALITE® Super Bright Roll-Up Signs have a unique Enhanced Surface Preparation (ESP), which eliminates the need for a thorough cleaning (e.g. alcohol wipe) prior to screen-printing. It is still good business practice to wipe the surface with a clean, dry tack cloth. Enhanced Surface Preparation allows the use of vinyl graphics using pressure sensitive adhesives. Also, Enhanced Surface Preparation reduces the amount of dust, dirt and other road grime that can stick to ORALITE®Super Bright Roll-Up signs.

Additional information

Weight6 lbs


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    48″ Roll-Up Super Bright™ Reflective

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