Super Bright Roll-Up Signs ™ 36″ x 36″ From Eastern Metal Signs and Safety

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 Roll-Up Signs Super Bright™ 36″ x 36″

Xpress Program

36″ x 36″ Roll-Up Super Bright™ -Up sign comes with Four (4) Lexan Corner Pockets and 5/16″ x 1/4″ fiberglass battens (ribs).

Meets MUTCD specifications. Meets ASTM D 4956 specifications for Type VI, Class 5 retroreflective sheeting

Made in America

Maximum Qty = 5 each


 Super Bright Roll-Up Signs 36″ x 36 

Reflective Xpress Program 36″ x 36″Signs Super Roll-Up Signs comes with Four (4) Lexan Corner Pockets and 5/16″ x 1/4″ fiberglass battens (ribs).  Made in America

super bright roll-up signs

The Super bright roll-up Signs meet MUTCD specifications. Meets ASTM D 4956 specifications for Type VI, Class 5 retroreflective sheeting  Flexible blanks made from fabric reinforced micro prismatic retroreflective sheeting. These sign blanks are suitable for fabrication of retroreflective rollup construction, maintenance, and incident management signs that meet the requirements of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)

36″ x 36″ Super Bright Roll-Up Signs shall have the minimum coefficient of retroreflection shown in Table 1when tested in accordance with ASTM E810, “Standard Test Method for Coefficient of Retroreflection of Retroreflective Sheeting Utilizing the Coplanar Geometry

Super Bright Roll Up Signs meet the flexibility requirements of ASTM D4956, section 6.7and S2.2.2. They are sufficiently flexible such that through continuous use, setup and storage, they do not show any permanent creasing or delaminating

Super Bright  Signs consist of a high gloss, transparent, uvstabilized micro prismatic retroreflective layer bonded to a heavyduty fiberreinforced vinyl material. The RollUp sign provides high brightness and longterm color and fluorescence retention. This construction will not delaminate, provides outstanding durability, legibility, and long sign life.

Ambient Temperature: After conditioning a sample of sealed RollUp sign for 24 hours at 73° ± 3°F (23° ± 2°C)and 50% relative humidity, subject the sheeting to an impact of a 4 lb (1.82 kg) weight with a 5/8” (16 mm)rounded tip dropped from a 100 inlb(11.3 Nm) setting on a Gardner variable impact tester, IG1120, as per ASTM D4956, section S2.2.1. The sheeting shall show no cracking or delaminationoutside the actual area of impact


Additional information

Weight4 lbs


Eastern Metal Signs and Safety

Eastern Metal Signs and Safety

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