ORALITE ® 7900

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Wide Observation Angle Prismatic is highly reflective, weatherproof, self-adhesive sheeting with excellent corrosion and solvent resistance for the manufacture of durable permanent outdoor signing. The smooth surface of the film allows for high quality printability.Product ConstructionORALITE® 7900 Wide Observation Angle Prismatic consists of sealed cells of air backed microprisms, using total internal reflection. The distinct shape of the sealing identifies the machine direction and the manufacturer of the sheeting (see drawing)

SKU: Orafol7900


Oralite materials 7900

Designed for the production of permanent, outdoor traffic control signage.


  • ORALITE ® 7900

  • For long-term traffic signs

  • 12 year durability

  • Inkjet and screen printable

  • 10 colours

Applications Designed for the production of permanent, outdoor traffic control signage.

Thickness 10-13 mils

Durability Up to 12 years years

Adhesive Clear, solvent polyacrylate, permanent adhesive

Number of Colors 9

Available Lengths 150’ (50-yard)

Available Widths

(in inches) 12.75, 18, 24, 30, 36, 48

Print Compatibility Screen printing & UV printing

Certifications Meets requirements of MUTCD

Meets ASTM D 4956 specifications for Type IX, Class 1 retroreflective sheeting

[pdf-embedder url=”https://easternmetalsignsandsafety.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/oralite-7900-wide-observation-angle-prismatic-9956-technical-data-sheet-americas-en.pdf”]


Additional information

Weight50 lbs

White, Yellow, Red, Orange, Blue, Green, Fluorescent Yellow-Green, Fluorecent Yellow

Price Per Sq Ft.

$2.31Sq Ft / 450 ft² Roll, $2.32Sq Ft / 600 ft² Roll


Eastern Metal Signs and Safety

Eastern Metal Signs and Safety

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