Plan for Safe Holiday Driving Conditions

Safe Holiday Driving is Easy to Do
Driving during the night can increase your chances of having an accident by over 50%. Make sure to plan for enough time to get to your destination but see if you can stay if the sun sets and you have a long drive back home.Not only that but staying sober is a must. You want to keep everyone safe on the roadways, including others. Make sure to skip drinking while out, or designate a sober individual to drive. It is better to be safe than sorry.With more impaired drivers on the road, more and more accidents happen. It is important to not be a statistic this holiday season. Stay safe, don't drive and drive, and opt to stay where you are if it is late.Slow down, be alert, and remember to obey the traffic signs and signals. You want to stay safe and enjoy the holidays. Make sure to abide by the laws.Keep everyone safe and together.Happy Holidays from All of Us Here at Eastern Metal Signs and Safety!