Architectural Graphics and Building Signage

Architectural Graphics and Building Signage

Instantly achieve a more professional appearance, by using custom architectural graphics for exterior building signs. Updating signs and building directories can be easy with our expertise.

Architectural and Displays Signage

Eastern Metal Signs can design wall plaques, logos, overhead directionals, exterior business signs, and produce professional signage to your specifications.

The term architectural signs refer to the permanent signage in commercial and public buildings that identifies important features like entrance/exit doors, stairs, bathrooms, and maps. This includes room name and number emblems,  AA-compliant restroom signs, elevator and stair signs, directional sign systems, floor layout maps and other forms of navigational and wayfinding signage. These highly visible emblems, plates, and labels were initially mandated by federal and state regulations and local building codes for safety and convenience purposes. A well-designed architectural sign system enables people to easily navigate in an unfamiliar building, locate stairways and restrooms, and exit in the event of an emergency.


architectural and sign fabrication in chemung county ny. elmira, corning, watkins glen, architectural


Your trusted partner for safety. Leveraging expertise and experience to deliver top-notch products and services.


1430 Sullivan St. Elmira NY 14903
Mon - Sun / 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM